Geecy Kaz Services


Geecy Kaz Services LLP was established in 2006, with registered office in Almaty and branch offices in Aktau & Atyrau.


The company has these certificates

  1. ISO 9001:2008
  2. Laboratory Accreditation certificate
  3. Russian Maritime Register of Shipping certificate for NDT

Geecy Kaz Services LLP (GKS) provides following NDT services at present

  1. X and gamma ray radiography, (RT)
  2. X ray crawler radiography
  3. Ultrasonic flaw detection and thickness measurement, (UT)
  4. Magnetic particle testing by fluorescent and non fluorescent method, (MT)
  5. Penetrant testing, (PT)
  6. Non indenting hardness measurements.
  7. Positive Material identification
  8. Post Weld Heat Treatment

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